Last comments - Marple Children's Orthopaedic Hospital (Treetops) |

Children's Orthopaedic Hospital 1952Stella Ratcliffe at Treetops Hospital in 1952. Provided by Cathie Williamson, whose mother Joyce Cooper worked there as a nurse.09/20/24 at 06:20Mark: I've just googled Marple hospital in the 50s ...

Children's Orthopaedic Hospital StaffStaff at the Children's Orthopaedic Hospital, thought to be in the summer of 1950. See comments for a full list of known names and the periods they worked at the hospital. From Marple Local History Society Archives.08/21/10 at 07:28Mark: L-R, back to front:
Sister B.E. Mather - Night Si...

Children's Orthopaedic Hospital StaffStaff at the Children's Orthopaedic Hospital, thought to be in the summer of 1950. See comments for a full list of known names and the periods they worked at the hospital. From Marple Local History Society Archives.08/21/10 at 07:09Mark: L-R, back to front:
Sister B.E. Mather - Night Si...

Children's Orthopaedic Hospital c1947-49A ceremony outside the Children's Orthopaedic Hospital some time between 1947 and 1949.
See comment for names. Click the photo for a larger version.12/09/09 at 08:25Mark: The two staff members on the left are Miss Guest (...