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Ludworth School 1920s-30sPupils at Ludworth School with headmaster Mr. Harold Butterworth. Undated but probably in the late 1920s or early 1930s. From Marple Local History Society Archives.05/11/13 at 15:09Steve Kay: 3rd row down, pupil on far right hand side is Geor...

Ludworth School 1920s-30sPupils at Ludworth School with headmaster Mr. Harold Butterworth. Undated but probably in the late 1920s or early 1930s. From Marple Local History Society Archives.05/11/13 at 05:39Mark: The chap on the far left of the picture is definit...

Ludworth School 1931Pupils at Ludworth School in 1931 with headmaster Mr Butterworth. Replaced with a copy from Marple Local History Society Archives 29 August 2011. See the comments for a full list of names.01/10/09 at 08:31Mark: Back row: l - r, ? Wood, Arthur Hickman, Ronnie Wh...