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Cookery Class at the WillowsA cookery class at the Willows School circa 1930s. Provided to Marple Local History Society Archives by Linda Devine.Nov 29, 2024
Whit Walk c1928A Whit Walk passes over Bridge no. 2 on Church Lane in around 1928. The young lady centre left is Margaret Taylor (later Watson). Provided to Marple Local History Society Archives by daughter Linda Devine (nee Watson). Nov 29, 2024
Taylor family at Roman BridgeA young Margaret Taylor (later Watson) at Roman Bridge with parents Harry and Elizabeth Taylor circa 1928. Provided to Marple Local History Society Archives by daughter Linda Devine (nee Watson). Nov 29, 2024
Strines Choir OutingNorman Bebbington is squatting on the left, his wife one of the ladies behind him, Mr Rose is the tallest on the back row, others unknown. Donated to Marple Local History Society Archives by Jennie and Geoff Barton.
Oct 11, 2024
Strines Choir OutingFrank and Ida Barton (nee Cooper) are the couple on left. Donated to Marple Local History Society Archives by Jennie and Geoff Barton.
Oct 11, 2024
Strines Choir OutingThought to be the Beeley brothers, Frank and Eric. Donated to Marple Local History Society Archives by Jennie and Geoff Barton.Oct 11, 2024
Strines Choir OutingMr Rose standing at back and Mrs Rose front 9th from left. Donated to Marple Local History Society Archives by Jennie and Geoff Barton.Oct 11, 2024
Strines Choir OutingNorman Bebbington kneeling on left. Donated to Marple Local History Society Archives by Jennie and Geoff Barton.Oct 11, 2024

Larger Groups


This album contains photographs of larger groups, usually formally posed, ranging from Marple Swimming Club, to Marple Band and local schools to football and hockey teams. Some are unidentified, so if you know then please tell us.

218 files, last one added on Sep 15, 2024
Album viewed 3179 times

Smaller Groups and Individuals


This album contains a huge variety of people pictures in all kinds of circumstances. Mainly individuals and smaller informal groups (but not always) what these photographs all have in common is a strong link to Marple and District.

423 files, last one added on Nov 29, 2024
Album viewed 6729 times

All Saints' School


The first All Saints’ National School was established in Marple in 1831 in the upper room of the barn at Chapel House Farm on Suttons Lane. The first school building on the present site was constructed in 1837 and this was replaced by a new building in 1902 that remains today, albeit extended significantly in 1964.

49 files, last one added on Aug 26, 2014
Album viewed 5427 times

Albert British Day Schools


The Albert British Day Schools were established in 1868 by the Carver family in the Sunday school buildings on Church Lane that were linked with the Congregational Chapel (now United Reformed Church) that they had erected on Hibbert Lane in 1865. Apparently attendance at the school ensured half-time employment at Hollins Mill!

17 files, last one added on Apr 20, 2019
Album viewed 1234 times

Ludworth School


Ludworth was opened in the Autumn of 1908 under the headmastership of Mr Alfed Heppleston, when it was part of the Derbyshire Education Authority. Following receipt of a large number of photos relating mainly to the headmastership of Mr Harold Butterworth between 1912 and the 1930s this album has been created to hold all photos relating to the school and those that were scattered throughout other albums on the site have been moved here to bring them all together.

60 files, last one added on Aug 29, 2011
Album viewed 1740 times

Ardern / Harrop Family


A file from Marple Local History Society's Archives on the Ardern family of Marple Bridge that illustrates how important it is to properly label your photos for future generations. Unfortunately this collection isn't well documented, so many names are missing. Please get in touch if you recognise anyone or spot any errors.

56 files, last one added on Jul 21, 2014
Album viewed 1370 times

Marple Firefighters


An album dedicated to Marple Fire Station and the Whole and Retained Firefighters who have served their community over many years.

52 files, last one added on May 10, 2008
Album viewed 2134 times

Marple's Women's Land Army Girl


In her 90th year Mrs Jean Procter MBE ( MBE received in 1998 for services to the Women's Land Army) went to number 10 Downing Street in London, on the 23rd July 2008, to receive her Badge and Certificate for War time effort in the Women's Land Army. She was one of 50 ladies to go to London to meet Gordon Brown and to be presented with her badge and certificate by Hillary Benn MP. Photos by Kathryn Procter.

7 files, last one added on Apr 30, 2010
Album viewed 748 times

16 albums on 2 page(s) 1

Most viewed - People
Willows School Teachers 1953/543016 viewsWillows School teachers in 1953/54.
L-R (Back) Mr. Robinson, Mr. Trevor (Taffy) Williams, Mr. Percy Jackson, Mr. (Daddy) Hayes.
(Front) Mrs. Greenwood (School Secretary), Mrs. Hulker, Mrs. J. Booth, Headmaster Mr Reginald Stanton (Korky) Edwards, 2 unknowns & Mrs Bloomfield.
Bowling Competition 1963-642739 viewsCouncil Chairman in 1963-64 J. H. Grimshaw (with the chain) and his council team were defeated in a competition with Memorial Park Bowling Club. From Marple Local History Society Archives.
Workers from the Goyt Mill2519 viewsWorkers from the Goyt Mill in 1956 L to R: Dorothy Chatterton, Maureen Coffey, Graham Hurst, Pat Cross, Beryl Noble (nee Jodrell).
Marple Ridge Band of Hope2514 viewsMarple Ridge Band of Hope on a visit to Alderley Edge on 19 June 1909. From Marple Local History Society Archives.
Ridge Chapel 'Band of Hope'2501 viewsThe teatotal Ridge Chapel 'Band of Hope' have a day out at Vernon Park, Stockport.
Brabyns Hall Garden Party2495 viewsThe F. Jones Orchestra play at a Brabyns Hall Garden Party in the 1920s.
Strines Printwork Day Out2418 viewsA photo believed to be of the Strines Print Workers day out, provided by Ray Noble. That's his grandad Herbert Green second row from front, second from left. Dated October 1929.
Home Guard2397 viewsMarple's Home Guard during the Second World War.

Random files - People
Ludworth School 1930sFemale pupils at Ludworth School. Undated but probably in the 1930s. From Marple Local History Society Archives.
Tunstall, FrankFrank Tunstall in 1944. Frank was the caretaker at Marple Hall until 1932. Provided by Barbara Kay.
Oldknow, WilliamWilliam Oldknow and family at Oldknow's Seat in 1996. From Marple Local History Society Archives.
The GazellesThe Gazelles at Marple Baths - the anti-fan flower wall!
Marple WRVS Meals on Wheels 1994New recruit Moira learning to seal the containers. From Marple Local History Society Archives.
Morris, Richard 23 December 2019Richard (Rick) Morris, founder of "All Things Nice" on his last day in the cafe / deli he created on Market Street. By Arthur Procter.
Ludworth School 1910sPupils at Ludworth School with headmaster Mr. Harold Butterworth. Undated but probably in the 1910s. From Marple Local History Society Archives.
Marple Firefighters 1950sFire Station Open Day 1950s

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