01: Annie Pott's Album coverThe cover of Annie Pott's photo album.
02: Annie Pott's Album inside coverThe inside page with a message from Annie Pott to return to the Bull's Head Hotel if found.
03: Annie Pott's Album page 01Stanley Jack in one of the Bull's Head cars.
04: Annie Pott's Album page 02Stanley Jack in uniform, he signed up in 1915.
05: Annie Pott's Album page 03Stanley Jack, far right, and his comrades in training.
06: Annie Pott's Album page 04Annie Pott and Stanley Jack front, Annie's sister Florence behind with two unknown gentlemen.
07: Annie Pott's Album page 05Annie Pott centre and Stanley Jack right, others unknown.
08: Annie Pott's Album page 06Annie Pott on a swing.
09: Annie Pott's Album page 07Stanley Jack in the garden.
10: Annie Pott's Album page 08Florence Pott in front of others unknown.
11: Annie Pott's Album page 09Annie Pott in one of the family vehicles.
12: Annie Pott's Album page 10Annie Pott behind but who are the others?