Top rated - Dedication of Memorial Park 1922 |

Group 15 - 1800?It's a guess but these are probably the Maypole Dancers, School Children under the direction of Miss Johnson.     (1 votes)

Group 04 - 1550Sir George Vernon (W. Crossley) with his Retainers Hilton Walker, H. Booth, J. Kelsall, W. Mather, J.E. Crossley, L. Harrop, J. R. Kenworthy, J. Osbaldeston, F. Platt, G. Thorley, W. Whitby and H. Pitt. The Jester is T. Goodman.     (1 votes)

Group 05 - 1560Sir John Manners, played by C. F. Budenburg, Jnr. and Dorothy Vernon played by Miss Hilda Barlow. Presumably Dorothy is the one riding side-saddle without the moustache.     (1 votes)

Dedication of Marple War MemorialThe Marple War Memorial soon after the dedication. Notice Marple's Tank in the background!     (1 votes)

We're in ChargeThe top trio of John Bradshawe, Charles I and Oliver Cromwell try to out-swagger each other.     (3 votes)

Group 01 - 1220Robert De Stockport and his Foresters, we think on the Church Lane section of the route, which also included Market Street, Hawk Green, Hibbert Lane and Stockport Road.     (1 votes)

Dedication of Marple War MemorialLaying of a wreath on Marple War Memorial during the dedication in July 1922.
Updated with a copy from Marple Local History Society Archives 14 March 2010.     (2 votes)

Group 17The National Dancers - members of the Girls' Institute under the direction of Miss Wood - in the centre of a larger group in Memorial Park.     (1 votes)

Group 11 - 1790 - 1820And another guess is that these are Marple Grammar School - J. McLearn and School Children.     (1 votes)

Group 03 - 1398Sir Richard Vernon, played by J. T. Ashton, with his Archers, who included W. Allan, E. Ashton, C. CLose, F. Crowley, F. Davenport, F. Emmot, J. W. Fernley, F. Jones, W. B. Hulse and A. and J. Higginbottom.     (1 votes)

Who is this?Can't quite figure out who this is meant to be. He appears in the group 8 shot, which includes a large number of dignitaries from the period 1649 to 1660.     (1 votes)

Group 12 - 1790 - 1830This group is led by Samuel Oldknow (J. H. Wild), Sir Richard Arkwright (F. Robertson) John Clayton (J. Woodhouse) and Nathaniel Wright (C.F. Winterbottom). The Factory Apprentices following them are members of the Marple Girl Guides and Boy Scouts.     (1 votes)