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Most viewed - Marple Childrens' Orthopaedic Hospital
Children's Orthopaedic Hospital Staff1224 viewsStaff at the Children's Orthopaedic Hospital, thought to be in the summer of 1950. See comments for a full list of known names and the periods they worked at the hospital. From Marple Local History Society Archives.
Children's Orthopaedic Hospital1198 viewsThe boys ward, which later became Cedar Ward, at Treetops Hospital c1950. From Marple Local History Society Archives.
Treetops Hospital c20031197 viewsOne of the ward names carved into the brickwork at Treetops. By Coral Dranfield shortly before demolition.
Children's Orthopaedic Hospital 1950-521189 viewsMatron Miss W. Parkinson with a young patient identified in 2013 as Susan Harding (now Magee) in the grounds of Treetops. From Marple Local History Society Archives.
Children's Orthopaedic Hospital1178 viewsInside the Orthopaedic Hospital's Nurses Home at 48, Dale Road, now a private house. Updated from Marple Local History Society Archives 20 August 2010.
Children's Orthopaedic Hospital 19531170 viewsAsh Ward or Girl's Ward at the Orthopaedic Hospital with Violet Carson and Matron Miss W. Parkinson, taken in 1953. Updated from Marple Local History Society Archives 20 August 2010.
Children's Orthopaedic Hospital 1950-521132 viewsA poor quality image of Matron Parkinson with a nurse and patients in the grounds of Treetops between 1950-52. The young girl being held by Matron is Susan Harding (now Magee). From Marple Local History Society Archives.
Children's Orthopaedic Hospital1083 viewsInside the Orthopaedic Hospital's Nurses Home at 48, Dale Road, now a private house. Updated from Marple Local History Society Archives 20 August 2010.
Children's Orthopaedic Hospital1078 viewsThe girls ward, which later became Ash Ward, at Treetops Hospital c1950. From Marple Local History Society Archives.
Children's Orthopaedic Hospital 19531074 viewsMr. Newton (left) of the Orthopaedic Hospital's Entertainment's Committee presenting a fountain to commemorate the Coronation to William Hough (right), thought to be Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Taken at the front of building in 1953.
Children's Orthopaedic Hospital 1949-511054 viewsKen Chaisty, who was at the hospital between 1949 and 1951, on the veranda at Treetops with his mother.
Treetops Playground 19851039 viewsIn 1985 New Mills, Marple and District Round Table presented a new play area to Treetops. Shown here are (l-r) John Morran, Ken Larkam, Gerrard Lenox, Colin Fox and Alan Whitehead. From Marple Local History Society Archives.
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