Most viewed - Dedication of Memorial Park 1922 |

Dedication of Marple War Memorial?424 viewsThis photo from Marple Local History Society Archives looks like it is from the 1922 Pageant to dedicate the War Memorial - see little girl laying flowers on memorial. This looks like it is the parade on Market Street. What do you think?

Group 17 - National Dancers415 viewsThe National Dancers were members of the Girls' Institute under the direction of Miss Wood.

Group 07 1625 - 49404 viewsA newspaper cutting showing Group 7, Charles I and his Cavaliers, in Memorial Park during the 1922 Historical Pageant.
From Marple Local History Society Archives.

Groups 09 - 1651 and 03 - 1398402 viewsGroup 9, Col. Henry Bradshawe and his crew to the left and Sir Richard de Vernon and his Archers to the right.

Group 12 1790 - 1830358 viewsA newspaper cutting of the 1922 Historical Pageant entering Memorial Park from Stockport Road. Notice the old lodge at the entrance, photos of which seem to be extremely rare.
From Marple Local History Society Archives.

Group 08 on the March340 viewsParticipants in the 1922 pageant dedicating Marple War Memorial walk along Winnington Road. From Marple Local History Society Archives.

Unknown Couple329 viewsAn unknown couple photographed during the 1922 Historical Pageant to dedicate Marple's War Memorial.
From Marple Local History Society Archives.

Memorial Park Tank320 viewsA close-up of the tank in Marple Memorial Park from a postcard provided by Janet Holmes.

Marple War Memorial Park Pageant Committee July 22 1922278 viewsA note written by Arthur Hulme identifying the dignitaries at the Pageant to dedicate the Marple War Memorial in 1922. From Marple Local History Society Archives.