Most viewed - Dedication of Memorial Park 1922 |

Group 12 - 1790 - 1830536 viewsThis group is led by Samuel Oldknow (J. H. Wild), Sir Richard Arkwright (F. Robertson) John Clayton (J. Woodhouse) and Nathaniel Wright (C.F. Winterbottom). The Factory Apprentices following them are members of the Marple Girl Guides and Boy Scouts.

Group 07 1625 - 49532 viewsA different shot of Charles I and his group of Cavaliers gives us the opportunity to mention that the sedan chair in the previous picture was apparently kindly lent by DE LUZY, Parfumeur, Paris!

Group 11 - 1790 - 1820521 viewsAnd another guess is that these are Marple Grammar School - J. McLearn and School Children.

Group 16 - 1830513 viewsJohn Pearson is driving the New Mills to Manchester Stage Coach with passengers Mrs. Abdela, Misses J. & M. Abdela, K. Barrett, A.A. Dobson, M. Higginbottom, D. Taylor, L. Groves, L. Prentice, H. Tefft, Mrs. Greenwood, Geo Kelsall and E.J. Abdela. Highwaymen following are J. Turner, E. Dutton and G. Shaw.

Group 17511 viewsThe National Dancers - members of the Girls' Institute under the direction of Miss Wood - in the centre of a larger group in Memorial Park.

Not a Clue!501 viewsNo idea at all who these three are meant to be.

Group 15 - 1800?499 viewsIt's a guess but these are probably the Maypole Dancers, School Children under the direction of Miss Johnson.

Group 08 1649 - 1660 & 09 - 1651493 viewsSome guesswork going on here, but this group seems to include John Bradshawe (H.L. Fish), Oliver Cromwell (F. Pickstock), Col. Henry Bradshawe (D. Pott) and John Milton (G.R. Swaine) plus Roundheads T. Barber, T.E. Barnes, T. Baxter, F. & R. Booth, J. Braddock, H. Eckersley, E. Graham, H. Kershaw, A Yarwood, T. Fitton, F. Jackson and H. Revill.

Group 16 - 1830476 viewsThe New Mills to Manchester Stage Coach is pictured behind Sir Richard Vernon's Archers.

Group 12 1790 - 1830.469 viewsCould be Samuel Oldknow (J.H. Wild) but we think it looks more like Sir Richard Arkwright played by F. Robertson.

Group 15 - 1800434 viewsThese are probably the Maypole Dancers listed in the programme, under the direction of Miss Johnson.

Group 9 - 1651428 viewsA close up of of Col. Henry Bradshawe and his Roundheads with a couple of local Scouts pulling faces on the far left. Nothing ever really changes does it!