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Most viewed - Tennis and Drama
Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 0549 viewsA cast member of a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre from an album by Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway). At the moment we know all the names but not certain who is who. Provided by Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives.
Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 1149 viewsA cast member of a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre from an album by Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway). At the moment we know all the names but not certain who is who. Provided by Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives.
Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 2149 viewsThe cast of a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre from an album by Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway). Provided by daughter Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives.
Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 1848 viewsNewspaper review of a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre from an album by Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway). Provided by daughter Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives.
Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 19a48 viewsAn early photo of Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway) in her album of a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre. Provided by daughter Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives.
Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 2048 viewsThe cover of the programme for a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre from an album by Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway). Provided by daughter Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives.
Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 0147 viewsThe cover of a photo album created by Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway) who played Puck in a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre. Provided by daughter Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives.
Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 0347 viewsA cast member of a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre from an album by Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway). At the moment we know all the names but not certain who is who. Provided by Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives.
Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 1047 viewsPhyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway) as Puck in a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre. Provided by daughter Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives.
Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 19c47 viewsAn early photo of Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway) far left with friends and family, in her album of a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre. The girl centre back is Hilda Brelsford. Provided by Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives.
Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 0246 viewsA note to Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway) who played Puck in a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre. Provided by daughter Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives.
Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 0845 viewsA cast member of a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre from an album by Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway). At the moment we know all the names but not certain who is who. Provided by Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives.
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