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Midsummer Night's Dream 1922 01The cover of a photo album created by Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway) who played Puck in a 1922 production of the play at the Carver Theatre. Provided by daughter Linda Breese via Marple Local History Society Archives. Sep 30, 2022

Oliver Wheatley and Hilda BrelsfordOliver Wheatley and Hilda Brelsford leave All Saints' Church after their wedding. Provided by Linda Breese via Marple Local history Society Archives.Sep 29, 2022

Marple Park tennis Club 1931Norman Ridgeway second from left at the back and girlfriend Phyllis Greenwood seated right. Provided by daughter Linda Breese via Marple Local history Society Archives. Sep 29, 2022

Carver Theatre castCast of Marple Dramatic Society at the Carver Theatre provided by Linda Breese via Marple Local history Society Archives. Sep 29, 2022

Carver Theatre castCast of Marple Dramatic Society at the Carver Theatre provided by Linda Breese via Marple Local history Society Archives. Sep 29, 2022

Carver Theatre castCast of Marple Dramatic Society at the Carver Theatre provided by Linda Breese via Marple Local history Society Archives. Sep 29, 2022

Norman Ridgeway & Phyllis Greenwood 1933Wedding of Norman Ridgeway and Phyllis Greenwood, of Marple Tennis club fame, 29 September 1933. Margaret Cochran (later Lane) is seated far right, and Hugh Lane, is second gent from the right. The others were not known by Beth Bainbridge, daughter of Margaret and Hugh, who provided the photo but full details are now in the comments from a newspaper cutting provided by Linda Breese, daughter of Norman and Phyllis.Jun 26, 2010

Carver Theatre castThe cast of a play at the Carver Theatre. The only person known is Maragret Cochran, seated centre stage as the 'Queen'. She wrote on the back 'The Royal Jester' and 1924? Daughter Beth Bainbridge, who provided the photo, believes it to actually be late 1920s or early 30s.
Jun 26, 2010

The Gypsy Fair (at Rose Hill House)'The Gypsy Fair' - taken at a 3 day festival run by the Marple Congregational Church in the grounds of Rose Hill House, home of the Johnson family. Margaret Cochran is kneeling far right, and her sister Helen next to her with the tambourine. Margaret's daughter Beth Bainbridge, who provided the photo, believes it to be c1923/4.Jun 26, 2010

Carver TheatreA play at the Carver Theatre, probably 'The Importance of Being Earnest", c1940. The actor in the centre is Andrew Cochran. Photo provided by his granddaughter Beth Bainbridge.
Jun 26, 2010

Marple Park Tennis Club 1937Hugh Lane, Margaret Cochran, Phyllis Greenwood, Doris Hough, Norman Ridgeway and William Hough - Marple residents and mostly members of Marple Tennis Club on holiday in Scarborough 1937. Provided by Beth Bainbridge.May 21, 2010

Marple Park Tennis Club 1931The ladies of Marple Park Tennis Club in 1931. Second from left is Peggy Cochran (later Lane) and far right is Phyllis Greenwood (later Ridgeway). Copy also provided by Linda Breese. Oct 22, 2006
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