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The Lime KilnsThe Lime Kilns before being bricked up in the early 1970s. From the Marple Civic Society Archives.03/19/11 at 15:39Noel Brindley: Between the bottoms of the Kilns, roomy arched Sta...

The Lime KilnsThe Lime Kilns in ruins before they were made 'safe'. Taken by Bill Beard in 1960s.03/19/11 at 15:26Noel Brindley: On the Cheshire side of the Goyte, on the Peak For...

The Lime KilnsThe Lime Kilns in ruins before they were made 'safe'. Taken by Bill Beard in 1960s.03/11/11 at 23:37Noel Brindley: In charging the kilns, the stone is broken into lu...

The Lime KilnsThe Lime Kilns in ruins before they were made 'safe'.03/09/11 at 22:27Noel Brindley: Mr. Oldknow purchases his Limestone of the canal c...

The Lime KilnsThis photograph of the Lime Kilns give a good idea of the huge scale. 03/09/11 at 22:04Noel Brindley: At night a practice was used that was very wastefu...

Lime Kiln Lodge (32 Strines Rd)Part of the Lime Kilns complex before conversion to a house. From Marple Local History Society Archives.02/19/11 at 13:42Noel Brindley: This building on Strines Road, and the one next to...

Tymm ReceiptA receipt from J & M Tymm dated 30th July 1892, with a drawing of the Lime Kilns in full operation. From the Marple Civic Society Archives.01/24/11 at 21:29Noel Brindley: Most of the buildings on the Tymm receipt are reco...

Mineral Mill and Bleak HouseThis image of the Mineral Mill (long demolished) as it would have been alongside Bleak House was created from two separate photos on the Virtual Tour by Noel Brindley.01/24/11 at 18:47Noel Brindley: Marple corn mills was advertised to let in the Sto...

Mineral MillA view of the Mineral Mill from Strines Road, Bleak House is just to the right.01/23/11 at 16:13Noel Brindley: This Mill was once a corn mill that was run by my ...