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Low Marple Works 1965Flooding at Low Marple Works taken on 9 December 1965. From Marple Local History Society Archives.12/18/24 at 07:42Mark: Research by Bill Beard and Louise Thistleton revea...
Low Marple Works 1965Flooding at Low Marple Works taken on 9 December 1965. From Marple Local History Society Archives.12/18/24 at 07:41Mark: Research by Bill Beard and Louise Thistleton revea...
Orphans at St. Margaret'sOrphans and carers outside St. Margarets Orphanage provided by Janet Holmes. Investigations by Neil Mullineux (and later Bill Beard) identified that this isn't Marple related and was actually St. Margaret's Crossway Orphanage for "friendless little girls" in Harpenden. See comment below for outcome.11/30/24 at 07:25Mark: In March 2021 Janet kindly send the original of th...
Children's Orthopaedic Hospital 1952Stella Ratcliffe at Treetops Hospital in 1952. Provided by Cathie Williamson, whose mother Joyce Cooper worked there as a nurse.09/20/24 at 06:20Mark: I've just googled Marple hospital in the 50s ...
The Buzzard (from Damsteads)The Buzzard, Mellor in the mid-1950s, with two people (see comment below) at the top of the tree. Provided by Stuart Botterman.09/18/24 at 06:30Mark: From Ann Papageorgiou: The 'people' wavi...
Marple WRVS Meals on Wheels 1994Barbara Preston and Ms Bircher loading the van outside Marple Senior Citizens' Hall. From Marple Local History Society Archives.12/23/23 at 16:56Hilary Atkinson: The lady getting out of the car was Barbara Presto...
Mellor School Centenary 1980Mellor School Centenary on new building in 1980. Cllr Harvey Cooke opener. 2nd from left John Taylor (see comment). 3rd from left: Jack Brady, Miles Arnfield, Mrs Cooke, Rev R Phillips, Mrs Phillips, Headmaster. From Marple Local History Society Archives. 10/14/22 at 04:47Mark: From Beryl Shepherd: The picture of the Mellor sch...
Norman Ridgeway & Phyllis Greenwood 1933Wedding of Norman Ridgeway and Phyllis Greenwood, of Marple Tennis club fame, 29 September 1933. Margaret Cochran (later Lane) is seated far right, and Hugh Lane, is second gent from the right. The others were not known by Beth Bainbridge, daughter of Margaret and Hugh, who provided the photo but full details are now in the comments from a newspaper cutting provided by Linda Breese, daughter of Norman and Phyllis.09/30/22 at 05:22Mark: From a newspaper cutting provide by Linda Breese: ...
Mill Brow CarnivalNot a real policeman but George Beard taking part in a Mill Brow Carnival. George lived at 2 Holly Vale for many years. Provided by Martin Cross via Marple Local History Society Archives.09/29/22 at 06:41Mark: Martin Cross says: The lean-to shown on this pictu...
Harold E Shaw ButcherButcher Harold E Shaw of Marple Bridge with a pony and trap in front of his shop on Town Street. From Marple Local History Society Archives.03/07/22 at 07:31Mark: Craig Wood has shared the following: I have a copy...
Braddock's GarageBraddock's Garage in its original location on Stockport Road c1940. Founder Roy Braddock is standing with hands-on-hips. From Marple Local History Society Archives. See comments for more information.04/11/21 at 06:22Mark: Mike Heap says: The man in the photograph with his...
Macnair, Frank Gordon c1945Dr Frank Macnair was a GP, between about about 1932 and 1947, based at Charlecote, on Church Lane and later in Winnington Road. He was also Medical Officer for the Marple Orthopaedic Hospital and worked part time at Stockport Infirmary. Provided by son Andrew. See comments for more information.04/02/21 at 05:53Mark: Son Andrew says Frank died in 1948 when I was thre...
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