Top rated - Compstall |

Compstall Co-opCompstall Co-op     (9 votes)

Compstall RoadCompstall Road, Marple Bridge, looking towards Compstall. It is believed that the gent with the barrow and brush may be a member of the Pickford family.     (4 votes)

Compstall MarketThe Market area at Compstall, from Marple Local History Society Archives.     (3 votes)

George Hotel 1981The George Hotel, Compstall, from the Marple Civic Society Archives, dated 1981.     (3 votes)

Ernocroft HouseErnocroft House used to be on Compstall Road, just slightly uphill and opposite the George Hotel, Marple Bridge.     (3 votes)

Compstall Market PlaceCompstall Market Place, a little quieter than today?     (3 votes)

Barton's ShopBarton's Shop, Andrew Street, Compstall.     (3 votes)

Compstall Cricket ClubA game in progress at Compstall Cricket Club. From Marple Local History Society Archives.     (2 votes)

George Hotel Basement 2009When the current bridge near the George was built the road height was raised and the pub was extended upwards. You can see some evidence of this in these photos taken by Ruth Hargreaves.      (2 votes)

Compstall Bridge 1981Compstall Bridge, from the Marple Civic Society Archives, dated 1981.     (2 votes)

Ernocroft HouseThese photographs of Ernocroft House were kindly provided by Paul Todkill.     (2 votes)

Ernocroft HouseThese photographs of Ernocroft House were kindly provided by Paul Todkill.     (2 votes)
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