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Top LockA postcard by Ian Price showing Lockside, from Marple Local History Society Archives.03/20/11 at 16:17Noel Brindley: In August 1842, near this spot, Industrial militan...

Top Lock House 1978Top Lock House, from the Marple Civic Society Archives, dated 1978.03/20/11 at 15:42Noel Brindley: The Chartist meeting in August 1842, of many hundr...

Lockside 1960s/70s.Lockside from the top of the Horse Tunnel. By Jim Graves 1960s/70s.03/19/11 at 22:30Noel Brindley: Where four Locks (Lockside) occur near together on...

LocksideLooking down the locks on Lockside, Peak Forest Canal.
From Marple Local History Society Archives.03/12/11 at 15:59Noel Brindley: 16 Locks occur in one and a quarter mile below Mar...

Brick Bridge Footpath 1980The footpath from Brick Bridge to Strines Road during reconstruction. From the Marple Civic Society Archives, dated 1980.01/25/11 at 12:17Noel Brindley: This footpath was most likely used by Oldknow'...

Brick BridgeBrick Bridge on the Peak Forest Canal.
From Marple Local History Society Archives.01/24/11 at 18:54Noel Brindley: Brick Bridge was a change bridge or roving bridge....

Marple WharfMarple Wharf in the late 1970s / early 1980s, from Marple Local History Society Archives.01/24/11 at 18:31Noel Brindley: In 1850 Marple Wharf was owned by Aaron Eccles, At...

Brick BridgeBrick Bridge cottages. Notice the doorway to All Saints' Church in the wall far left.01/23/11 at 16:21Noel Brindley: The cottages were once called Chapel Lodge, former...