
Mrs Ashworth's MoorendOne of the previous Mrs Ashworths on her front door step at Moorend.

Mrs Ashworths MoorendThe view of Moorend from Back Lane, (Moorend Road is behind the houses on the right).

Mrs HadfieldMrs Hadfield in fields near Moor End, Mellor. From Marple Local History Society Archives.

New House HillNew House Hill, Mellor.

New House HillNew House Hill, Mellor.

Oddfellows ArmsThe Oddfellows Arms at Moorend, Mellor. From Marple Local History Society Archives.

Thomas Waller GraveThe gravestone of Thomas Waller, located in the garden of the former Wesleyan Methodist Chapel at Moor End. From Marple Local History Society Archives (photo by Gavin Bannister).