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Last additions - Attractions and Features
Lock 14 Gates ReplacementCRT replace the gates at Lock 14. Taken by Arthur Procter 6 January 2017. duringJan 12, 2017
Lock 14 Gates ReplacementCRT replace the gates at Lock 14. Taken by Arthur Procter 6 January 2017. duringJan 12, 2017
Flood Gates Cottage 1906Flood Gates Cottage taken in 1906 by Arthur Hulme when it was Webb's Tea Rooms. From Warwick Burton collection in Marple Local History Society Archives.Dec 25, 2016
Marple Wharf c1960Marple Wharf in the early 1960s. Provided by Tom Lord.Nov 17, 2016
Marple Aqueduct RestorationWater being piped across the damaged aqueduct during repairs in the mid 1960s. Provided by Tom Lord.Nov 17, 2016
Bottoms HallBottoms Hall viewed from Roman Lakes. Provided by Janet Holmes.Aug 08, 2016
Roman LakesBoaters at Roman Lakes, provided by Janet Holmes.Aug 08, 2016
Roman LakesThis cartoon postcard of boaters at Roman Lakes was probably a bit risqué in the day. Provided by Janet Holmes.Aug 08, 2016
Bottoms Hall BridgeBottoms Hall Bridge near Roman Lakes. Provided by Janet Holmes.Aug 08, 2016
Plucks BridgeSwimming in the canal at "Ancoats School Country Home", Plucks Bridge. Provided by Janet Holmes.Aug 08, 2016
The WillowsThe Willows down at Roman Lakes, provided by Janet Holmes.Aug 08, 2016
Marple MarinaMarple Marina near Top Lock, from Marple Local History Society Archives.May 09, 2016
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